Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 211 - Life is busy but not rewarding ..............

Been a busy day today as is almost every day. I sent hubby out to have breakfast with his biker bud's so that he could relax a little and be among people that are concerned about him and give him some much needed support.  My dad dropped by this morning and dropped off some pictures that my son had left with him.  Then I went grocery shopping at Costco's.  They have the freshest fruit in town as well as the best meat.  Came home and had a 2 hour nap, obviously the good sleep I had last night was not as good as I thought it was.

1 pkg instant oatmeal
2 oz milk
4 oz yogurt
1/2 cup canned peaches

1 Michelina's Chicken Quisada Flat Bread (280 calories)
1 Life snack bar

3 oz lean ground beef BBQ'd patty
1 cup homemade potato salad
1 cup green beans

I kinda messed up on my fruit and veggies today. By the time I got home from shopping and putting everything away it was almost 2 p.m. so I just grabbed something quick and didn't fix my veggies.  Tomorrow will be back on track with them.


  1. I don't know - I see peaches & yogurt along with potato salad and green beans - so you were one short [I am not arguing the potato thing - veg! it is a starchy VEG!]

    I think you did quite well. Keep it up.

    Word verification is NONSIN - guess that absolves you - LOL no veggie mishaps today :D

  2. Hi Tessa, good job on the food! Very sensible choices :-) I hope u had a nice relax while hubby was out. Im sure its very tiring, going thru a tough time like u r. Im having a bad day myself what with one thing and another. I feel like crying on my pillow, so maybe I will do just that. Ciao for now! xxoo
