100 g yogurt
1/2 banana
Michelina's Meat Loaf (210 calories)
1 pkg Quaker Mini Bites (90 calories)
1/2 cup canned mangos
Garden Salad with 1 tablespoon Ranch dressing
Dry Ribs (small serving)
Well it's been a good day so far. Have weigh in tonight at my support group so we will see what the verdict is. I always weigh in the morning so my scale is definitely different than the one at group, but I feel confident that it too shall show a loss. It's snowing and being miserable here but what can you expect it is winter. It does stop me from walking on my coffee breaks though as I have such a fear of slipping and falling with this stupid artifical knee. We are doing exercises tonight at group so that will make up some of the difference and I will have more snow to shovel in the morning. My eye feels so much better today, the new drops worked miracles, no more burning and itching.
Good weigh in tonite, down 5 pounds. Now to keep the momentum going, had a really good support group meeting.
Hi Tessa! I found you! sounds like you are doing great, I can't wait to catch up and follow you on your weight loss journey!