Friday, November 19, 2010

Quick Update ...........

Hubby's surgery went ok, still in a lot of pain and not feeling the best but that is to be expected.  As for the rest well we're hanging in there.  I'm ok food wise in fact I'm not really hungry most of the time so haven't even had any binge thoughts the past couple of days.  Really making a concious effort to not let circumstances drive me to food.  It's been snowing here since Tuesday so have now traded my morning walks for snow shovelling but that also is ok as it is still exercise.

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and posts.  Some of them even made me smile (pre-poo and post-poo weigh


  1. thinking good thoughts for both of you! (and you can keep the snow--not quite ready for it here!)

  2. continuing to send good thoughts to all of you...hugs

  3. I hope he feels better soon!
    As for you, your doing a great job in not binging. I'm proud of you!
    Shoveling snow is great exercise :) I'll be doing it sooner than I'd like... yuck!

    Hang in there, I'm thinking about you and your hubby. Wishing for the best! Hugs.

  4. Okay - I think I am glad I didn't have the interwebs during the pre/post poo post. [alliteration at it's finest! hey!]

    I am glad your hubby is doing okay. Give him my best.

    Sorry I have been missing, I hope to be back soon.

    Hugs and love - keep it up!
