Saturday, January 8, 2011

Winter is raging..........

We are in the midst of a blizzard here in Central Alberta.  Wind is howling, snow is blowing, roads are a mess and I am here safe, snug and warm in my home.  Thank you God for blessings.

Managed to sleep till 5:30 this morning and didn't get out of bed till 6:45.  It was a treat considering I have to be up at 4:30 on weekdays.  Went out and cleaned the driveway and thought well this isn't too bad.  Had made plans to head to Costco if the weather was ok but had to wait till this morning to decide as they had major snow storm warnings out.  So after I cleaned the drive decided it wasn't to bad, called my friend and told her it was a go.  We headed out when she got here and it wasn't too bad, lots of blowing snow but good tires and an alert mind are a good combination when travelling in this type of weather. 

When we got back we vaccum packed meat portions and I made a nice lunch.  Now I am doing laundry and just finished making 2 dozen low fat bran/cranberry muffins.  I must confess I had 2 of them when they came out of the oven ........they are so good.

Weekends are always hard for me, I drink too much coffee and sometimes forget to watch what I am doing food wise.  But not today, I made a deal with myself to be very careful as I have to weigh in with a lose on Monday.

06:45  English Toffee Cappachino
08:30  1 slice toast w/peanut butter
11:00  1 cup french vanilla cappachino & 1 Cinnabon snack bar
14:00  roast pork tenderloin, boiled baby potatoes, steamed grean beans
17:30  2 low fat bran/cranberry muffins w/butter, 1 cup french vanilla cappachino

Wow meal times got all messed up and now it is dinner time and I am not hungry (muffins and coffee do that to you).  Think that is enough for today.  My coffees are only 100 or less calories but they add up if you have more than one a day.  I am trying to only drink them on the weekends.


  1. the food looks good. the roast tenderloin sounds awesome.

  2. I have the same problem, so I've decided to start weighing in on Mondays too :) Hopefully that will help me stay on track better on the weekends!
    We were supposed to have that weather too, but I think we lucked out. We got a lot of snow, but not as much as they thought.
    You're doing great Tessa!

  3. Your morning sounds like least the wake-up part. I had gone to bed and fell asleep shortly after 9...which meant I woke up bright-eyed at 5 am. Luckily I kind-of managed to doze back off...but only until about 7 :-(

    Your dinner sounds delicious! (and the muffins, too!) I need to make muffins or something to throw in the freezer, so that I have something I can heat quickly in the morning and then take in on the go if I need to.

  4. Its the other extreme of weather here - 85 F and it's 8.45pm. The sun has only recently set. Crickets are carrolling outside. I made roast lamb for dinner and had to wipe the sweat off my face a few times. Nice to know its cold somewhere in the world! xxooo

  5. I'm not brave enough to try cinnabon snack bars, Tessa. I traditionally have gone for fruit for the morning snack, even if just unsweetened applesauce, and a veggie for the afternoon snack (i.e., baby carrots).

    Thank you for your encouraging words. We are bracing for a rare winter storm here. We are due for a two-day punch of snow and ice. Interestingly, it is the second time in two months - crazy weather!

  6. Stay safe in all that snow Tessa.

    I can't drink coffee - doesn't agree with me and I really don't like the taste, but....Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte [i think it has coffee in it] is THE BOMB. I don't know what the calories are tho'. I have only had one - they are expensive! :) Tea is more my thing.

    Hope you are having a good Sunday.
