Well being sick does have it's advantages. I can't keep much of anything down and have absolutely no appetite. Trying to take in lots of fluids, including Gatorade to help keep me hydrated. OH&S at work says I cannot go back to work for 7 days or 24 hours after my cough disappears. This really sucks, I have to miss two concerts that I have been looking forward to seeing. Just hope I am better before Friday so I can attend my neice's convocation.
I did force some breakfast down this morning as I have to take the antibiotics with food or they really upset my stomach.
3 4" hotcakes with 1 teaspoon butter and 1 tablespoon sugar free syrup
1/2 cup yogurt
So far for the rest of the day it has been
1 banana
1 ice cream dixie cup
1 bottle of Gatorade
Think that is about all that there will be for today.
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