Wow, I looked at the date of my last post and realized it's been over a month since I was here. So many things have happened in that month I don't know where to begin.
I am certain that God is testing my strength and understanding cuz I keep threatening to give up and he just keeps throwing more stuff my way.
The water pump went in my SUV and when I took it to the shop they told me it would be $2500+ to fix it. And as you know with hubby being sick and not getting any disability payments that just about crushed me right there. I left it at the shop and came home to figure out how in heaven's name I was going to come up with that kind of money to fix it. I finally decided that I would start taking public transportation back and forth to work and let the SUV sit as there was no way I could afford to fix it.
Of course my wonderful hubby and son have clearer heads that prevail and told me to call the dealer and get a quote from them. So reluctantly I called and just about had a coronary when they told me $692. I had to ask it he wasn't missing a 2 in from of that. He laughed and said no but could put one there if it would make me feel better.
So we had it towed to the dealership (thank goodness for AMA) and even though it was a little more than expected we still managed.
Right after that our youngest pug got sick. Now for all of you that have pets I know you will understand that they are like a family member and actually have a calming effect for those of us that have a tendancy to be high strung.
It appears that she was predisposed from birth with bladder stones. One day she was outside and we noticed blood in her urine. So we watched her till the next morning and as it continued we took her to the vet. She was scheduled for emergency surgery the following day. Another $1200 that was not to be found. So we put it on the credit card and hope and pray that hubby can sell a bike he has sitting in the garage as he can't ride anymore. In the meantime I'll make payments on it.
She was too young to put down and there is no way to explain how you fight to keep them with you no matter what.
A week ago we lost my ex-mother in law. This woman was like a mother to me and no matter how many times my ex married she refused to acknowledge any of them as her daughter in law. Today we laid her to rest. My heart hurt for my sons and my grandsons as she was a wonderful lady and will be always missed and forever loved.
And to end this day hubby just returned from a land investment meeting that we had sunk $50,000 into 5 years ago only to have them tell us that they have lost the investment and we won't be getting it back. Never rains but it pours.
If my faith was not strong I could very easily blame God for all of this but He never promised to make life easy for us just that He would be there for us to lean on.
One good thing that is about to happen is that I am picking up my new crossover on Friday. After the water pump went in the other one we decided that we should probably trade it off while there was still good value in it and get something that had warranty on it. So my son and I went shopping yesterday and I must say he certainly knows how to wheel and deal with these guys. I got a 2012 Hyundai Tuscon with bumper to bumper warranty for 8 years and $0.30/litre fuel discount till 2013 for $190/month. It meant giving up my Lexus that I truly loved but it is the smartest plan of all. That I can afford, even if it means tightening our belts a little bit and doing without. I already have the first 3 months payments from doing income tax returns for folks.
So that is my month in a nutshell. I am sure there is lots more that I should have written about but can't remember it right now so it obviously was not earth shattering. Take care everyone and have a wonderful day tomorrow!!
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