So after my last post I had to stop and think about my next course of action. I\m not sure why my grandson would allow something like that to happen but I have decided that I am not going to worry about it. I have many things in my life to enjoy and I am not going to let them make me so miserable that I miss the other wonderful things.
First thing I did was I unfriended them on Facebook. It was painful to see all the things that are going on with the baby and knowing that I cannot be a part of it. It's called self-perservation. What you don't see you can't miss. They obviously haven't missed me cuz they haven't called. Their lose not mine.
I have been doing well with my weight the past few weeks. Tonight I weighed in at TOPS with a lose for the 7th week in a row. They haven't been huge loses but averaging 1.5 lbs per week. I had really let myself go and climbed the scale to almost 300 pounds. I am now back down in the 280's and feel so much better than I did before. I am taking a course on how to deal with chronic illness and not let it beat you - it's been really interesting so far.
I managed to catch the flu this weekend so feeling really crappy. Three people were sick at work last week and instead of staying home they had to spread the love around. If I don't feel better in the morning I am going to stay home. It's what we have sick time for and I think everyone should use it wisely but use it when necessary.
I've been working on Christmas things and trying to get my house decorated. Of course hubby picks this particular time to renovate the basement ............. grrrrrr. Never a dull moment around our house.
Thank you all for your kind thoughts after my last post. Sometimes it just helps to write it down even if no one else sees it. It brings a clearer picture to reality. Big hugs.