Monday, October 4, 2010

Above ground and kicking ..........

Well, I am still above ground and kicking, still not feeling 100% but hopefully improving every day.  I will try to get in everyday but please forgive me if I don't.  Daughter is getting married this weekend so lots of things to do.

Had to get something to wear that would be appropriate, well that was a chore unto itself.  Seems hubby thinks I wear too much black so I bought a very colorful shirt and some nice black dress pants.  It's going to be a casual wedding so pants are okay.  I had hoped to be down a few more pounds but she says she loves me just the way I am - all of me!!  Gotta love those kids that love you unconditionally.

Well I am off to bed as I still have 3 more days of work, a dental appointment, a concert to attend and major salad making to do before weekend.  Oh ya, still have to put a color in my hair and attend my OA meeting.....good thing Monday is a holiday cuz I will need it to rest up.  Did I mention I also have a book review to write before Wednesday!!!!


  1. I hope you feel 100% this weekend for the wedding. That would be awesome.

    Glad you have a day off!

  2. You are a busy woman Tessa!
    LOL, don't worry about us, we'll still be here if you can't make it every day. I don't know how you COULD with that schedule!!!
    Just make sure you're taking care of you along with everything else :)
    I Hope you're 100% this weekend!
